How can exercises manage PCOS?

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women worldwide. It can lead to various health complications, including infertility, obesity, and insulin resistance. Although it’s impossible to cure PCOS, effective methods exist to manage its symptoms and enhance overall health. One of the most powerful tools in managing PCOS is exercise.

What is PCOS Really?

Before delving into the benefits of exercise for managing PCOS, let’s briefly understand what this condition entails. Symptoms of PCOS are as follows:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Excessive hair growth
  • Acne
  • Multiple cysts on the ovaries.

Hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, and weight gain often accompany these symptoms.

Benefits of Exercise for Managing PCOS

Regular physical activity plays a crucial role in the management of PCOS. Here’s how exercise can help:

  • Hormonal Balance

Exercise helps regulate hormone levels in the body. Women with PCOS often experience a reduction in the elevated levels of androgens, commonly known as “male hormones,” through regular exercise. By restoring hormonal balance, exercise can alleviate symptoms such as excessive hair growth and acne.

  • Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin resistance is a common issue among women with PCOS, which can lead to weight gain and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Exercise enhances insulin sensitivity, making it easier for the body to manage blood sugar levels. It can be particularly beneficial for those with PCOS, as it reduces the risk of developing diabetes and helps with weight management.

  • Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for managing PCOS. Exercise with a balanced diet can aid in weight loss or weight maintenance. Losing excess weight can result in more regular menstrual cycles and a reduction of other PCOS symptoms.

  • Reduce Stress

Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of PCOS. Exercise is a natural stress reliever, as it prompts the release of endorphins, which are known as “feel-good” hormones. Regular physical activity can assist women with PCOS in enhancing their ability to manage stress and anxiety more effectively.

How should you cope with PCOS?

If you’re living with PCOS and considering incorporating exercise into your routine, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Consult with a healthcare professional

 Before beginning any new exercise regimen, it’s crucial to consult with your gynaecologist to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

  • Choose activities you enjoy

Whether it’s dancing, swimming, cycling, or simply taking brisk walks, opt for activities that you find enjoyable. Maintaining your commitment will make it more effortless.

  • Start slowly

If you’re new to exercise or idle for a while, begin with low-intensity workouts and progressively increase the intensity and duration as your fitness improves.

  • Stay consistent

Maintaining consistency is crucial to reap the benefits of exercise. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity level each week.

  • Mix it up

Variety in your workouts can keep things interesting and prevent boredom. Incorporate both aerobic and strength-training exercises for a well-rounded fitness routine.

Final Verdict

Exercise is a valuable tool for managing PCOS. By addressing hormonal imbalances, improving insulin sensitivity, aiding in weight management, and reducing stress, regular physical activity can significantly enhance the quality of life for women with PCOS. If you have PCOS, consider exercising as part of your daily routine to enjoy these benefits and better manage your condition. Remember, it’s always advisable to consult a gynaecologist before making significant changes to your lifestyle. Visit our gynaecologists in London today to manage PCOS.

Mahantesh Karoshi
Mahantesh Karoshi

I'm a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist and Women's Health Expert. I believe in educating my patients to contribute to achieving the best possible clinical and holistic outcomes. By taking this approach, I enable and empower my patients whilst addressing their issues and concerns. I run a private practice with an extremely high standard of professionalism. My patients are directly involved in their care and management in all stages. My approach to my patient's problems is built on dedication and passion, drawing on analytical thinking and my on-time honored reading, teaching medical professionals nationally and internationally.