What to Expect From Vaginal Dryness Treatment in London?

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Vaginal dryness affects many individuals. Yet, it’s a topic often overlooked due to discomfort surrounding the subject.

Are you experiencing vaginal dryness? It’s that uncomfortable sensation when the mucous membrane of your vagina feels dry, causing itching, burning, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

What causes vaginal dryness?

Have you ever wondered what causes vaginal dryness? Well, after menopause, about 58% of women go through it. But guess what? It can affect women at other points in their lives! Check this out:

  1. After Having a Baby and While Breastfeeding

Giving birth and breastfeeding can bring on vaginal dryness. It’s one of those things that can happen.

  1. Smoking

Well, smoking can also contribute to making things dry down there.

  1. Douching and Washing Too Much

Sometimes, using too much water down there or washing a lot can lead to dryness. It’s all about finding the right balance!

  1. Using Scented Soaps and Vaginal Deodorants

Those fancy-scented soaps and deodorants might be causing some dryness issues.

  1. Taking Certain Medications

Even some medicines, like the ones for a cold or flu, can play a role in drying things up.

  1. Immune Disorders

Your body’s defence system could also be a factor. Immune disorders might be part of the dryness puzzle.

  1. Heavy Periods

Do you have periods that seem to go on forever or are heavy? That could be a reason.

  1. Using Too Many Tampons

Believe it or not! Using too many tampons might be contributing to the dryness struggle.

When everything’s in good shape, the vagina and the inside of the vulva should be moist and plump. Little glands in the cervix produce moisture, keeping things clean and well-lubricated. Ideally, the pH of the vagina should be slightly acidic to fend off infections. It’s normal for women to notice a whiteish discharge – that’s just the vagina doing its usual self-cleaning routine.

What to Expect From Vaginal Dryness During Menopause?

Vaginal dryness, a common issue during menopause, is often referred to as intimate dryness. Menopausal symptoms frequently include a noticeable decrease in vaginal lubrication, leading to discomfort during intimate moments with your partner.

A 2015 research study with 1000 women aged 45 to 75 found that 78% experienced vaginal dryness issues, with 76% also reporting pain during sexual intercourse.

Clearly, intimate dryness is a significant problem, impacting the already changing landscape of menopausal sexual life.

Post-menopause, a lack of oestrogen contributes to the progressive thinning of the vaginal structure, resulting in inadequate lubrication.

It leads to vulvovaginal atrophy, marked by discomforts like irritation, burning, itching, and pain during sexual activity.

These pains arise from minor abrasions on the vaginal mucosa during penetration without sufficient lubrication.

Mucous membrane lesions may lead to complications such as a burning sensation and bladder issues, even extending to painful urination and recurrent cystitis within 24 to 72 hours post-intercourse.

Simultaneously, penetration becomes more challenging for the man, potentially causing erection difficulties. Partners may feel sexually rejected due to these complexities.

These factors, contributing to a decline in sexual desire during menopause, can harm overall well-being and quality of life.

How can we treat vaginal dryness?

If you’re a premenopausal woman experiencing vaginal dryness during sex, consider using a water-based lubricant before making love.

For ongoing relief, applying a vaginal moisturiser every three days is a great solution. These moisturisers line the inside of the vagina, providing moisture, lubrication, and comfort.

If you need extra assistance, private gynaecologists in London can prescribe local oestrogen in the form of pessaries or vaginal rings. These treatments have demonstrated their effectiveness in addressing vaginal dryness and ensuring a healthy vaginal pH.

Another option is hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which not only relieves vaginal dryness but also tackles other menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, and low mood.
Are you looking for minimally invasive treatments? We provide choices such as laser and radiofrequency procedures. Please ensure you Book an Appointment with our expert team to learn about these procedures further. These procedures gently warm the tissue, encouraging the body to renew and replenish collagen in the vaginal tissue, providing relief from vaginal dryness.

My Final Take

Soy and its derivatives, like, miso, tofu, tempeh, and soy milk, contribute to alleviating vaginal dryness. Further, black cohosh, isoflavones, and other phytoestrogens play a significant role in addressing this concern.

These foods mimic the effects of natural oestrogens but with a gentler impact. That’s why they are traditionally recommended not only for improving vaginal dryness but also for easing other common symptoms of menopause.

When considering nutrition, it’s an intelligent move to avoid extreme diets. Instead, ensure you consume plenty of fluids and include essential fats to meet your body’s needs.

Vivek Nama
Vivek Nama

I'm a Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Gyn Oncologist at Croydon University Hospital. I pride myself on delivering compassionate and cost-effective care to all my patients. Patient satisfaction and experience are quintessential pillars of all my predominant decisions. With over 18 years of experience in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology, I strive to offer an evidence-based approach to my practice. It has been made effortless through my research activities and the many national and international presentations. If you are concerned about your gynaecological condition, I will be able to help you.