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A Bartholin’s cysts are small fluid-filled sacs inside the vaginal opening. It is also called a Bartholin’s duct cyst. If you’re experiencing Bartholin’s cyst, you might feel a soft and painless lump. However, it doesn’t cause any problems. If the cyst grows very large, it might cause some discomfort. You can feel the pain surrounding the vulva when you walk or sit.
Now, let’s dive deeper into Bartholin’s cyst symptoms. This cyst can affect the labia majora (skin outside the vagina). It may look more swollen or enormous than usual. You should be cautious if the cyst becomes infected. It can build up abscesses, a painful accumulation of pus. The affected area becomes swollen, red, tender and hot if you’ve got an abscess.
A skilled private gynaecologist will perform a cervical screening to find bartholin cysts during your regular tests or during any examination. If you develop a lump around your vaginal area, consider booking an appointment with one of our private gynaecologists at Top Gynaecologists Clinic.
Our expert gynaecologists will diagnose your condition and evaluate the chances of more serious underlying conditions.
Our gynaecologists will use a swab to take a sample of the discharge to rule out the possibility of bacterial infection. They will only take your sample if your cysts or one of your bartholin’s glands is infected.
We may also recommend having a biopsy. During a biopsy, a small sample of cyst tissue is removed and examined under the microscope to evaluate the signs of vulval cancer (a rare type called Bartholin’s gland cancer).
Bartholin’s glands are not usually noticeable to the naked eye as they’re larger than 1 cm. They’re a pair of pea-sized glands found on either side of the lips or just seen behind the entrance of the vagina.
The causes of bartholin’s cyst are not known. Sometimes, it’s linked to sexually transmitted infections or bacterial infections.
Usually, bartholin’s cysts affect sexually active women aged between 20 and 30 years. It doesn’t affect children because the bartholin’s glands don’t work until puberty.
Bartholin’s glands shrink when women reach menopause. So, it’s uncommon after this specific period.
If you don’t find noticeable symptoms, it’s most dubious that you will need treatment. When your cyst becomes painful, our best private gynaecologists in London recommend self-care to treat the cysts. Some self-care measures include:
If these measures don’t work, several options are available. Our private gynaecologists may recommend draining to ease the pain and reduce the symptoms. Please note that these treatments may comprise minor surgical procedures. If your cysts return after treatment, consider scheduling a video consultation or booking an appointment with our private gynaecologists in London.
As specified earlier in this blog, the causes of Bartholin’s cysts aren’t clear. So, the prevention of bartholin’s cysts is challenging for gynaecologists. Some medical practitioners suggest that STIs might have a direct connection with the cyst’s development. Practising safe sexual intercourse can reduce your chances of developing Bartholin cysts.
If you’re suffering from bartholin’s cysts, you’re not alone. Our private gynaecologists will create customised treatment options for your unique needs. Bartholin’s cyst treatment could be challenging for us. But with developing our expertise and experience, we can treat cysts effectively. Consult our private gynaecologist in London by selecting an ideal appointment time and date based on your convenience. You can also visit our Top Gynaecologists clinic at Gloucester Road, London, UK.