Best Ovarian Cysts Treatments in London

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Are you experiencing severe pain before or during your menstrual cycle? Do you encounter discomfort during bowel movements or intercourse? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you might be dealing with ovarian cysts.
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac-like growth on the ovaries. You can usually treat most of these cysts with simple medications. But if a cyst grows larger and forms a thick outer covering, you’ll need surgery to remove it. If you’re facing persistent discomfort, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance on the best ovarian cyst treatments in London.

How does an Ovarian Cyst Develop?

Each woman possesses a pair of ovaries, one on the left and one on the right side of the uterus. Ovaries play a quintessential role in producing eggs and essential hormones, such as oestrogen and progesterone, crucial for regulating reproductive functions. Periodically, fluid-filled sac-like structures may develop on the ovaries, transforming into ovarian cysts. It’s common for most women to develop at least one cyst in their lifetime. In many instances, these cysts will come and go unnoticed, causing no discomfort or symptoms. However, when a cyst persists and increases in size, it can trigger specific symptoms.

Ovarian Cysts Symptoms

Ovarian cysts frequently occur in many women. These cysts often go unnoticed because they typically resolve without causing significant symptoms. Throughout their lives, most women will develop at least one ovarian cyst, but only 1 in 12 will need surgery to remove it.

Here are some common symptoms associated with ovarian cysts:

  • Abdominal swelling or bloating
  • Pelvic pain before or during your menstrual cycle
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Painful intercourse
  • Pain in the thighs and lower back
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Breast tenderness

However, when the following severe symptoms arise, it’s crucial to seek immediate ovarian cyst treatment in London:

  • Sharp or severe pelvic pain
  • Fever
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dizziness or faintness

Remember, if you experience any of these severe symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional promptly.

Ovarian Cyst Treatments in London

The treatment of your ovarian cysts in London depends on several factors, including their size, type, location, the presence of symptoms, and whether you have reached menopause. There are several different treatments available for ovarian cysts, such as ‘watchful waiting,’ contraceptive pills and surgery.

Watchful Waiting

If your cyst is small and not causing any problems or discomfort, your private gynaecologists may recommend a ‘watchful waiting’ approach. It involves monitoring the cyst without immediate treatment. In these situations, your doctor may schedule an ultrasound scan every three months to monitor the cyst for potential changes.

In many instances, ovarian cysts remain the same size, shrink, or even disappear on their own. In such cases, no treatment is typically essential.

It’s important to note that most functional cysts tend to resolve without causing any issues, making ‘watchful waiting’ an option to avoid unnecessary treatment for women.

Contraceptive Pills

If you’re a woman dealing with recurring ovarian cysts, your private gynaecologist in London might recommend oral contraceptive pills. These specially designed pills stop ovulation and protect you from developing new cysts.

Ovarian Cysts Surgery

If you have a large, persistent ovarian cyst that’s causing discomfort or pain, or if there’s a concern it might be cancerous, your private gynaecologist may recommend surgery to remove the cyst or, in some cases, the entire ovary. There are two types of surgery used to remove ovarian cysts: laparoscopy and laparotomy. In most cases, laparoscopic keyhole surgery is the preferred method.


In laparoscopy, doctors use a minimally invasive keyhole procedure to remove most ovarian cysts. They make three or four small incisions (about 5-10mm) on your tummy wall. Then, introduce gas into your pelvis to create space for the surgeon to access your ovaries. A skilled surgeon inserts a laparoscope, a camera, and special surgical instruments to remove the cyst while protecting the healthy ovarian tissue. They carefully place the removed cyst in a plastic bag, decompress it, and remove it without any spillage inside your abdomen. Finally, close the incisions using dissolvable stitches.

Laparoscopy avoids the need for a large incision. It leads to shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and an easy return to your everyday life.


Sometimes, when the cyst is significantly large or if there is a strong suspicion of cancer, a laparotomy might be the best approach.

During a laparotomy, doctors make a single, larger incision in your abdomen to gain direct access to the cyst. From here, they can remove the entire cyst or, in some instances, the whole ovary. They’ll send the removed tissue to a laboratory for cancer testing. Once the procedure is complete, they use stitches or staples to close the incision.

It’s important to note that laparotomy is less preferred because it is more invasive and often requires a hospital stay.

To sum it up, there are two methods for performing ovarian cyst surgery: laparoscopy, which is the less invasive and preferred option in most cases. The surgeon employs laparotomy in particular situations, and it is a more invasive approach. Your doctor will suggest the most suitable choice based on your situation.

Final Verdict on Best Ovarian Cyst Treatments in London

Expert gynaecologists at the Top Gynaecologists Clinic offer comprehensive ovarian cyst treatments in London. They use the latest ultrasound technology for a detailed examination of your ovaries, guaranteeing an accurate diagnosis. This precision leads to the correct prognosis and treatment.

If you experience these symptoms consistently, we invite you to visit the Top Gynaecologists Clinic for a consultation with expert gynaecologists.

Mahantesh Karoshi
Mahantesh Karoshi

I'm a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist and Women's Health Expert. I believe in educating my patients to contribute to achieving the best possible clinical and holistic outcomes. By taking this approach, I enable and empower my patients whilst addressing their issues and concerns. I run a private practice with an extremely high standard of professionalism. My patients are directly involved in their care and management in all stages. My approach to my patient's problems is built on dedication and passion, drawing on analytical thinking and my on-time honored reading, teaching medical professionals nationally and internationally.