Everything About Recurrent UTIs Treatment London
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If you’re dealing with UTIs, you’re not alone. Approximately half of all women in the UK will experience a UTI at some point in their lives. Worldwide, there are around 150 million UTIs each year. In this article, we’ll explore Chronic UTIs, natural ways to treat UTIs in women, and strategies for preventing UTIs.
UTIs tend to affect women more frequently than men. Reports estimate that at least half of women in the UK will encounter a UTI at least once in their lifetime. Out of all women who have had a UTI, 11% reported having one, and 3% experienced recurrent UTIs.

What are UTIs Exactly?

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, occur when specific parts of the urinary tract get infected. Let’s explore the three main types based on the affected areas.

  • Urethritis: This occurs when the urethra gets infected, leading to inflammation.
  • Bladder infections or cystitis: This is the most prevalent type of UTI, affecting the bladder.
  • The most severe UTI involves the kidneys.

Common symptoms of UTIs comprise pelvic pain, a burning sensation during urination, and a pressing or frequent urge to urinate.

Causes Of UTI and Recurrent UTI

  • Engaging in sexual activity can push bacteria into the urethra during sex.
  • Dehydration or poor urine flow – incomplete evacuation or reduced urine volume can promote bacterial growth.
  • Using a catheter or having undergone a recent surgery or medical procedure involving the urinary tract.
  • Having Diabetes Mellitus (DM) or a weakened immune system.
  • Having had a prior UTI.

Why do women experience UTIs more frequently than men?

Women are more prone to UTIs because they have a shorter urethra than men. Additionally, the urethral opening is much closer to the anus in women than in men. This proximity makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urinary tract.

If you ever get a UTI, your healthcare provider might offer advice on preventing future infections. They may recommend painkillers or antibiotics or suggest waiting to see if your symptoms improve. If the UTI returns after treatment, a private gynaecologist in London conducts a urine test and might prescribe different antibiotics. If you face recurrent UTIs, your healthcare provider might provide you with a repeat prescription for antibiotics. For those who have gone through menopause, a vaginal cream containing oestrogen could be offered as a treatment option.

Prevent Recurrent UTIs with Simple Diet and Lifestyle Changes

As a gynaecologist, I want to share some easy ways to lower your chances of getting an Urinary Tract Infection or dealing with recurrent ones. Here’s what you can do:

  • Boost Your Water Intake: Drink more water and ensure you take regular bathroom breaks.
  • Manage Stress: Try activities like deep breathing or meditation to keep stress at bay.
  • Cut Down on Sugar: Minimise your intake of sugary foods. High sugar levels in your body can create an environment that encourages the growth of bacteria. Opt for a balanced diet to maintain a healthy urinary tract.
  • Take Breaks from Intercourse: Give your body a break from sexual activity. Intercourse can sometimes contribute to UTIs, so taking breaks can reduce the risk of infection.
  • Skip Spicy Foods: Avoid spicy foods that can irritate your bladder. Opt for milder options to keep your bladder happy and reduce the chances of inflammation.

By incorporating these simple changes into your routine, you can protect yourself from UTIs and enjoy better overall health.

Mahantesh Karoshi
Mahantesh Karoshi

I'm a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist and Women's Health Expert. I believe in educating my patients to contribute to achieving the best possible clinical and holistic outcomes. By taking this approach, I enable and empower my patients whilst addressing their issues and concerns. I run a private practice with an extremely high standard of professionalism. My patients are directly involved in their care and management in all stages. My approach to my patient's problems is built on dedication and passion, drawing on analytical thinking and my on-time honored reading, teaching medical professionals nationally and internationally.