Restore Comfort and Confidence with Vaginal Prolapse Treatment in London

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When the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs—like the bladder, uterus, or rectum—become weak or stretched, it can lead to vaginal prolapse. This condition occurs when one or more of these organs drop or press into the vagina, often causing a noticeable bulge or pressure in the pelvic area. It can lead to discomfort or issues with urination, bowel movements, or sexual activity. Vaginal prolapse is common, especially following childbirth or as women age. However, effective vaginal prolapse treatment in London is available to help manage symptoms and enhance quality of life.

How to Prevent Vaginal Prolapse?

Maintaining pelvic health is crucial to preventing vaginal prolapse. By taking specific steps, you can reduce the risk or minimise the symptoms of POP. These include proper lifting techniques, maintaining good posture, managing a healthy weight, and addressing constipation. Quitting smoking can also be beneficial, especially if you suffer from a smoker’s cough.

Regular pelvic floor exercises are essential to ensure your pelvic floor functions optimally. The exercises are called Kegel exercises. An American gynaecologist introduced them, and they can help strengthen and support the pelvic floor muscles.

However, certain conditions or events can still negatively impact these muscles and lead to prolapse, even if you practice pelvic floor exercises.

What are the symptoms of vaginal prolapse?

Vaginal prolapse often presents with symptoms like pressure or fullness in the pelvic area, a noticeable bulge in the vaginal canal, discomfort or pain during intercourse, urinary issues such as incontinence or difficulty emptying the bladder, and bowel problems like constipation.

What causes vaginal prolapse?

Contributing factors include:

  • A history of hysterectomy
  • Being overweight
  • Ageing and menopause
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Heavy lifting
  • Certain health conditions

Different types of prolapse

  • Cystocele: Also known as anterior prolapse, this occurs when the bladder slips into the vagina.
  • Urethrocele: This refers to the prolapse of the urethra, the tube that carries urine.
  • Vaginal vault prolapse: This type of prolapse involves the top of the vagina sagging down, often after a hysterectomy.
  • Posterior wall prolapse: If the small bowel bulges into the upper vaginal wall, it is called an enterocele. When the end of the large intestine presses against the back of the vaginal wall, it is termed a rectocele.

Should I get help for my prolapse?

If vaginal prolapse does not cause any symptoms, treatment may not be necessary. However, it is essential to consult a private gynaecologist in London for an assessment and advice on preventing the prolapse from worsening. Also, it helps to rule out any underlying issues that might be easily treatable. If the prolapse is causing problems, treatment should alleviate symptoms, restore normal anatomy, and enhance overall well-being.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

For vaginal prolapse treatment in London, initial steps often focus on non-surgical options, such as:

Pelvic floor exercises

These exercises, commonly known as Kegel exercises, strengthen the muscles supporting the pelvic organs by repeatedly contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.


A pessary serves as either a temporary or long-term solution, especially for women who prefer to avoid surgery or are not suitable candidates for surgical procedures.

Lifestyle modifications

Making specific lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms of vaginal prolapse. These adjustments include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding heavy lifting, managing chronic cough, and treating constipation to reduce strain on the pelvic floor.

What are the surgical options for vaginal prolapse?

When non-surgical treatments are not enough, gynaecologists often require surgery. The choice of surgery depends on the type and severity, along with the overall health and preferences. Surgical options include:

Vaginal repair surgery

Vaginal repair surgery strengthens weakened pelvic floor tissues, either using the own tissues or synthetic mesh. The procedure varies based on the specific organs involved and may include anterior repair (for cystocele), posterior repair (for rectocele), and vaginal vault suspension.

Uterine suspension or hysterectomy

For uterine prolapse, options include uterine suspension (repositioning and securing the uterus) or hysterectomy (removing the uterus). The choice largely depends on the future fertility plans and other factors.


Sacrocolpopexy often treats vaginal vault prolapse. This procedure attaches the top of the vagina to the sacrum (a bone at the base of the spine) using synthetic mesh for support.

For anyone considering vaginal prolapse treatment in London, understanding these surgical options is essential for making an informed decision.

Choosing the Right Surgery for Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal prolapse surgery offers various treatment options for your preferences and the specific type and severity of her condition. Gynaecologists perform most procedures vaginally, avoiding abdominal cuts or scars. We use sutures for these surgeries and do not rely on mesh. For certain types of prolapse requiring abdominal cuts, we can perform most of these operations laparoscopically, using minimally invasive techniques.

If you choose surgery, expect a hospital stay of one to two nights. You must avoid strenuous activities for up to six weeks after the procedure. Once fully recovered, you should be able to resume all your usual activities without restriction.

Prolapse is a common and often distressing condition that requires proper diagnosis to address any treatable underlying causes. Healthcare professionals should listen carefully to your concerns, understand the issues caused by the prolapse, and offer various treatment options. You and your clinician can choose the most appropriate treatment tailored to your needs.

Risks and Complications of Surgery

Vaginal prolapse repair surgery, like any surgical procedure, involves potential risks and complications. These risks include infection, bleeding, damage to nearby organs, and adverse reactions to anaesthesia. There is also a chance of prolapse recurrence or development of a new prolapse in another area of the pelvic floor. Discuss the risks with a healthcare provider and make well-informed decisions about their vaginal prolapse treatment in London.

My Final Thoughts on Vaginal Prolapse Treatment in London

By exploring different treatment options and following medical advice, patients can manage vaginal prolapse and enhance their quality of life.

  • Adhere to their healthcare provider guidance for both pre- and post-operative care.
  • Perform regular pelvic floor exercises to sustain muscle strength.
  • Embrace a healthy lifestyle to reduce strain on the pelvic floor.

To maximise the benefits of vaginal prolapse treatment in London, patients must follow the above key points.

The Top Gynaecologists Clinic provides cutting-edge, non-surgical, and non-invasive treatments. We take pride in offering the most extensive range of minimally invasive surgical treatments to meet your unique needs.

To learn more about vaginal prolapse treatment in London, book an appointment through our online appointment system.

Mahantesh Karoshi
Mahantesh Karoshi

I'm a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist and Women's Health Expert. I believe in educating my patients to contribute to achieving the best possible clinical and holistic outcomes. By taking this approach, I enable and empower my patients whilst addressing their issues and concerns. I run a private practice with an extremely high standard of professionalism. My patients are directly involved in their care and management in all stages. My approach to my patient's problems is built on dedication and passion, drawing on analytical thinking and my on-time honored reading, teaching medical professionals nationally and internationally.