Vaginal Skin Infections: All You Need to Know

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Vaginal skin infections have various causes that are very common. It can be challenging for women experiencing these infections. Reports suggest one-third of people with vaginas have more chances of developing vaginitis. Vaginitis refers to a few different conditions causing infection or inflammation of your vagina. You can experience vaginitis at any time, but it often occurs during your reproductive years or in your 20s or 40s.

Vaginal skin infections can disrupt your day-to-day activities. It can cause painful urination, burning, itching, and redness. Various factors can contribute to vaginal infections. Very often, diabetes could be the culprit. Diabetic women are more prone to vaginal skin infections. If you really want to treat your vaginal infection, first understand the connection between vaginal skin infections and diabetes. Regular checking of blood sugar levels can help prevent vaginal skin infections and maintain good vaginal health.

Read on to learn more about this condition, its symptoms, types, and how to treat them, followed by causes.

What are the common symptoms of Vaginal skin infections?

Usually, vaginal skin infections are asymptomatic (without any symptoms). If you develop skin infections, you can notice the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal itching
  • Burning sensation
  • Soreness and discomfort
  • Pain while urinating
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Vaginal bleeding

You can notice any one of the symptoms above. If your symptoms don’t abstain for a few days, consult your private gynaecologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment. You can also have the above-listed symptoms if you suffer urinary tract infections. Read the effective urinary tract infection treatments that work.

Vaginal skin infections types

Vaginal infections share numerous same symptoms with UTIs. So, it becomes tricky to identify the vaginal infections correctly.

Each infection has a few one-of-a-kind symptoms:

  • Bacterial Vaginosis causes a greyish-white, greenish or yellow discharge. It can have a fish-like odour that becomes stronger after sexual intercourse.
  • Yeast Infections involve vaginal and vulval itching. You can also have soreness and a burning sensation. Some people notice labial swelling or skin folds outside your vagina. Women with diabetes can have more chances of developing yeast infections. 
  • Trichomoniasis causes vaginal itching, a fish-like odour with a greenish-yellow, froth-like discharge. You can also notice swelling, irritation, and vaginal inflammation.
  • Atrophic Vaginitis isn’t precisely an infection. But it can enhance your chances of developing UTIs and vaginal infections.

How can you treat Vaginal skin infections?

Vaginal infection treatment predominantly depends on what caused the infection. 

Generally, we prescribe the following medications:

  • Metronidazole or clindamycin helps you treat bacterial infections.
  • Antifungal creams can help treat yeast infections. You need to contact your healthcare professional if it still persists.
  • Metronidazole or tinidazole tablets can treat trichomoniasis.
  • Consider oestrogen creams or tablets if you’ve severe vaginal dryness and irritation linked to atrophic vaginitis.

Vaginal skin infection causes

An imbalance of yeast and bacteria in your vagina typically causes vaginal infections. Some common causes of vaginal infections are:

  • The overgrowth of bacteria in your vagina can cause bacterial vaginosis.
  • Factors like antibiotics, hormonal fluctuations, and stress can lower the number of antifungal bacteria in your vagina, causing symptoms of yeast infections.
  • Evidence suggests that you contract trichomoniasis if you share bath water. Other possible transmission methods include unsanitary toilet seats, pools, and shared towels.
  • Douching practice actually diminishes the healthy bacteria in your vagina, increasing the likelihood of infections.
  • Vaginal atrophy typically occurs post-menopause. However, it can also manifest in nursing women or individuals with low oestrogen levels.
  • Soap, body wash, or spraying perfume to wash your vagina can disturb vaginal natural pH.
  • Tight underwear and bottoms that don’t allow for adequate ventilation can increase the risk of vaginal irritation by trapping moisture and inhibiting airflow, making infections.

Final Word

Natural remedies can effectively treat certain vaginal infections, while others may necessitate over-the-counter treatments and time for recovery. Kindly note that you cannot manage all vaginal infections with home remedies; professional expertise is often required to find safe and effective treatment plans and prevent future infections.

Vaginal infections, when left untreated, can cause significant discomfort, but they typically do not pose a threat. Once you receive the correct diagnosis and treatment, they improve rapidly. Visit our private gynaecology clinic in Gloucester Road in London to treat vaginal skin infections.

Vivek Nama
Vivek Nama

I'm a Consultant Gynaecologist and Lead Gyn Oncologist at Croydon University Hospital. I pride myself on delivering compassionate and cost-effective care to all my patients. Patient satisfaction and experience are quintessential pillars of all my predominant decisions. With over 18 years of experience in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology, I strive to offer an evidence-based approach to my practice. It has been made effortless through my research activities and the many national and international presentations. If you are concerned about your gynaecological condition, I will be able to help you.