About Services

Top Gynaecologists offer compassionate and expert care to every woman. Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. It’s an excellent option for women who want to preserve their fertility.

It soothes symptoms like heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure. Our state-of-the-art gynaecology clinic employs cutting-edge surgical techniques such as laparoscopic and robotic surgery for performing a myomectomy. It enables us to offer the most effective and minimally invasive therapy options.

  • Robotic Myomectomy
  • Fibroid Treatment Options
  • Uterine Preserving Surgery
Benefits of Myomectomy
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Preserve the uterus to conceive in the future
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Alleviate symptoms
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Improve your quality of life
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Shorter recovery time
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High success rate
What to expect during your visit?

Before undergoing a myomectomy, you must have a pre-operative visit with your healthcare provider. Here is what you can expect during the pre-operative visit for myomectomy.

Medical History and Physical Exam

Your healthcare provider will take your detailed medical history, including the history of previous surgeries, medical conditions, allergies and current medications. They will perform a physical examination to evaluate your overall health. They may also perform a pelvic exam to assess the size and location of your fibroids.

Blood Tests

You must undergo blood tests to check for blood type, complete blood count (CBC) and electrolyte levels. These tests help to ensure you are not suffering from underlying medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension. These systemic health conditions could increase your risk of complications.

Imaging Studies

Your healthcare provider may ask for imaging examinations such as an ultrasound, MRI or CT scan. These scans can evaluate the size, location and number of fibroids. It helps your surgeon determine the best surgical approach for your case.

Medication Management

Your healthcare provider will review the medications you are currently consuming. They may recommend you stop taking medications before the surgery, such as blood thinners, to reduce the risk of bleeding during the procedure. The doctor may prescribe medications to manage pain or prevent infection post-surgery.

Preparing for Surgery

Your healthcare provider will provide detailed instructions on preparation for the surgery, dietary limitations, medication restrictions and pre-operative cleansing procedures. They will also advise you to arrange for someone to drive you to and from the hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Q1) Who is a good candidate for myomectomy?
  • Q2) How is myomectomy performed?
  • Q3) What are the risks of myomectomy?
  • Q4) Will my fibroids grow back after the myomectomy?
  • Q5) Can I still get pregnant after a myomectomy?

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